Life has definitely been a whirlwind of emotions from March until now! For both C and I.
In March, Japan was hit by an earthquake, and this began his time at sea. No one knew what was going on and when his ship would be back. In April, as we were making plans for him to come home, he emailed us one Tuesday morning to say that he most likely would not be home. It definitely was not good. I began applying for jobs, with the knowledge that one may be coming my way. I didn't want to apply at other places when that was the one place I wanted to be.
In May, things with C coming home were still up and down. I finally landed the job I had been waiting for, the one I had been hoping and praying on. His birthday came and went on May 15th (which is also the birthday of my twin nephews- how neat that they share the same day?) and he wasn't here to celebrate it. He called the next weekend and said that he should be back in the states by June, no matter what. Sadly, his grandmother passed away just a few days later. Completely unexpected. We didn't know if he would be able to come home for it. We knew that it was a huge possibility that they wouldn't let him come home. But in the end, they let him come home for it. I am so glad that he got to say his final goodbyes. I know I posted that in my lost post, I believe. I am still thankful for it. Anyone who loses a loved one needs that closure. He flew back just 5 days after arriving home. We didn't know if he'd be back soon or not. But I braced myself for the possibility of not having him home until December.
I have to say, through it all, I have known we'd be okay. We have done a lot of distance since February 2009, so just a few months more wouldn't be a problem.
We entered into a new month just before he left, but I knew it could be a huge month. So I began wondering every day if he would be coming back. I woke up at 2:55 last Friday morning. I was disoriented and thinking I was in another room, which I wasn't. But I tend to do that a lot- wake up disoriented. So anyways, I was wondering if we'd hear from C that day when I suddenly got a text from him! He said he would be back in the states soon and that he would call when he landed in Dallas. I didn't fall back asleep at all. I ended up taking a nap later in the day, but I was still energized about it.
I began making plans to come out to see him. I would be making the trip alone, and I was nervous about it- because I had never driven anywhere that long by myself before. But I knew it would be worth it, just being able to spend some time with him. I left about 6-ish Saturday morning, and arrived 16-17 hours later, 870 miles, driving through 4 states, and stopping 5 times to get gas/go to the bathroom. I stopped once to take a picture of a scenic site once in Virginia. And the only time I got lost was on the way to where C told me I needed to go. So he had to tell me where to go, and stayed on the phone with me the entire time- even though he knew I was freaking out. I remained calm, though. I'm so thankful he didn't get mad or yell at me when I didn't make the turn I was supposed to.
I'm just glad that we are finally in the same time zone, he will be just an hour ahead of me. I'm thankful that I can go visit him whenever I want now (when I am on break, I mean), I can call him whenever just to talk, and things will generally be easier for us. This last year of his service should be fairly easy. Although, it will take a little adjusting. But it's all good. :)
Everything is finally coming together for us, falling into place just when it's supposed to. I've been told that good things come to those who wait, and it is definitely true!