Life's a journey, not a destination.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year...

Happy New Year!

I rang in the new year with a nice chest cold. It actually started on Saturday. I woke up with it, coughing, and feeling very yucky. I had no symptoms before that except a stuffed nose, but I almost always have a stuffy nose due to sinus/allergies. So that I am used to. So, anyways, there I was, preparing for our last Christmas this year, and it was even hosted at our new house. All I wanted to do was go back to bed, I was so miserable. I am pretty certain I had a fever that day, as I kept saying that it was incredibly warm in my house. It just so happened to be around 40 degrees outside anyway, but I swore it was so hot in my house. I ended up opening some windows and sitting near one of them for quite awhile.

The last of our guests left Sunday. I had plans to take down my Christmas decorations, but after I came down with the nasty chest cold, I decided to just rest. I finally felt a little better to take the Christmas decorations down yesterday. Still coughing. Strangely, I developed a more stuffed nose and a sore throat yesterday. I thought that was odd, since I usually get those first.While I don't like being sick, I am grateful to be on break, and to be able to recuperate at home.

A lot of people make resolutions. I even have made them in the past. However, I tend not to stick to them after awhile. I decided to do something different this year. Instead, I will make goals and things/people I want to focus more on in this year.

Without further ado, here are my goals/what I want to focus more on:

1. My relationship with God. It falters at times. I want to pray more, read the bible more, go to church more.

2. Doing more for others/giving back. I do a lot now, but I don't want to lose sight of that. A perfect example is my nephew. We were at the grocery store once, and he thought some older woman needed help. So he asked me first if he could ask her if she needed help. My heart warmed at the thought. So he asked her. I don't think she necessarily realized that he wanted to help her, but she was still kind to him. We all need to be more like him in our lives. He is such a great example of doing for others/giving back.

3. Take photographs more. I used to take a ton of photographs where ever I went. Sadly, I got away from it, all because of a stupid comment someone made over 5 years ago. That person told me I took way too many photos of the exact same thing. It was of foothills in Arizona, by the way. I let that comment get the best of me. I have always loved taking photographs, so I need to get back into it.

4a. Run more. Once I get over being sick, I am going back to running. I enjoy it. There is something about it that soothes me. Not only do I have a goal to run more, I have a goal to run more 5k's. I ran 2 this past year- two more than any year. Heck, I had never ran a 5k until 2013 anyway, so that's an accomplishment in itself. My first 5k I came in 36:39. That was an amazing time! It was super cold that day in April. Then, I ran another 5k on Thanksgiving. I ran it in 34:27. I beat my previous time by 2 minutes, 12 seconds. That was my goal that day. My goal now is to run in even less time by next 5k, and I know I can do it. I am super competitive, but only towards myself. I see something and think, "I can do that, too!"

4b. Coinciding with running more is being more physically and actively fit. I want to be in better shape for ME.

4c. Also with this, I want to continue to lose weight. I want to start with small goal weights and go from there. My mentality is "I can, so I will!"

5. I want to learn to knit. Laugh all you want, peeps! But seriously. I once had a roommate in college who knit all the time, and she was only 19. I was interested, but definitely couldn't hang. So I don't know how to knit. My goal this year is to teach myself how to knit.

6. (This one follows #5) Learning to crochet. I know very basic crochet. Very basic. As in, use the same pattern (which isn't much) to create blankets and scarves. So, I want to learn to crochet more. My grandmother on my Dad's side was big into crochet. I have many things she has made, including a blanket, barbie clothes, and Christmas decorations.

7. This also follows #5 and 6. I have knitting looms. So I plan to use those more as well this coming year. I want to use both the knitting needles for #5 and the knitting looms as well.

8. Do more drawings and paintings. I need to get back into my Zentangles more. Even if it's 5 minutes a day. I also want to do more oil paintings. However, that will take more than just 5 minutes a day. Art makes me happy.

9. Cook more, eat out less. Not that we eat out a whole lot as it is, but I just need do cook more. I enjoy cooking and baking. I need to get better about planning meals.

10. Do more once I get home. Sometimes I am so tired when I get home that I don't want to do anything. It's time to get out of that mindset and push myself further by doing more.

11. Spend more time with those I love and spend more time with friends.

12. *just added* I want to learn to be more of a gardener. I want to grow my own veggie garden and also care for any plants indoors and out. I want to gain knowledge in the ones that I have, starting with my peace lily I received almost 3 years ago. It hasn't bloomed in 2.5 years, and I just read up in why it hadn't. So hopefully this spring and summer, it will bloom now. 

If I think of things, I will add them to my list. :) In a year from now, I want to come back to my list of goals, and know that I have hit them all.