I finally ordered a new phone. WOOT!
Well, it's newer to me anyways. Here is a backstory on my phone. I've had it two years this coming May. I really liked it when I first got it, but over the course of the last year (it was last February that I first noticed something was wrong), it has gone down hill rapidly. To begin with, it will randomly shut itself off every so often if I text someone. I don't understand it. The major problem though is something internal. I noticed last February that my battery life was dwindling. What used to take me a day or two to run out of battery without being on the charger now was lasting a day. Or less. So I went to a Verizon store and got a new battery (free of charge). All I had to do was replace the battery with the bad one and mail it back. I did that, and it still did not get any better.
So, I began really noticing that if I even took it off the charger just for a couple of hours, it would be dying soon. I timed it once where I managed to last 50 minutes with it before it needed to be charged. Then I went to see my boyfriend (C) in December, and when I got back in January, it was dying within a few minutes.I rarely go anywhere WITH my phone anymore. I couldn't find a car charger for it, so I decided to wait it out.
However, I am so frustrated with it. You know, we once went without cell phones. And for the most part, I do alright without it. It just worries me that if I go someplace long distance that something might happen. I don't need anything like a data plan or apps on my phone, because I have my iTouch, and it seriously has everything on it that I need. So I ordered just a phone, and yes it's about a year older. Like I just mentioned, I really don't need a lot for a phone. I used to have Internet on the phone that I do now, and I think I've used it maybe 3-4 times. If that. Plus, it was hard to read, everything was so small. I couldn't touch the zoom button without touching another button on the screen.
I did trade one piece of technology for the other. I'm not on my iTouch all the time, either. So I'll be fine.
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