Life's a journey, not a destination.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kids say the cutest things

My nephew was hanging out here earlier today. He was trying to build a tower of blocks, but the tower kept falling over. He was getting frustrated that it wasn't working. So I asked him, "when life gives you lemons, what do you do?"

And he replied, "Take a deep breath."

Did I mention he's 4?? He's so smart, even though I don't think he's heard that before.

The other day, I was watching my 3 nephews when my sis ran some errands. B is 4, H and little B are twins, who are almost 2. They keep life interesting. Anyways, B, Little B, and I were coloring. Or rather, B and I were coloring. Little B was the crayon police. Every time I tried to reach for a crayon in the big box of crayons, he'd say, "No, no!" And hover over the box like it was his job. Finally, I swapped out the crayon I had for another one, and he was okay with that. But I couldn't take more than one apparently.

It was humorous, like he was guarding the box that was specifically for him.

I have a nickname with my nephews. It started when B was just a few months shy of his second birthday. He couldn't say my name, and when he did try, it came out Kiki. So it stuck. He'd argue with anyone when they tried to say my name, he'd say, "No, Kiki." To this day, 2 years later, he still calls me Kiki. Little B started calling me "Cookie." I think he was getting Kiki and the actual food cookie confused. But now he says Kiki, but kind of drawn out. "Kikiii."

B also told me a couple of weeks ago that I was having 5 children, and that their names were going to be Sami, Jo-Jo, Bingo, and Banjo. He didn't realize he left out a name. I asked him why those names, and he said, "Because they are easy to say." Very well. :)

Those definitely won't be the names in the future, although I am not going to crush his idea of those names at the moment.

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