The past 6 days have seemed to fly by! I welcomed April with open arms and am so thankful that it's finally April. I'm going to give you a re-cap over the past few days.
Friday- Went with my Grandma to her appointment/procedure. Ironically, the power was out by 7:50 that morning (being that it was April Fool's Day), and so all the appointments that were scheduled at the hospital were backed up. We spent more time waiting for her to be called than in the actual room, which was okay. We went to breakfast afterwards. She sounded confident that the Dr. wouldn't call her until after she had another test later this month. I'll get to that in a moment.
Saturday- It was windy out, but I got to hang out with my adorable nephews. Then my brother and his family came home for the afternoon/evening, so it was nice to hang out with them as well.
Sunday- Went to a museum with my aunt and uncle, my cousins and their daughter, my parents, my sister and her family. It was a lot of fun, but we were all pretty exhausted. I took so many pictures. We left at 4, and just as we were leaving, I got hit with another "mega" headache. Which caughnt me off guard. I've normally only gotten them at a certain time of the month. Or so I thought. I didn't get one at all last month, which made this one strange. I got home around 6, took an ibuprofen at 7:30, and by 8:30, it did not kick in. I finally went to sleep and woke up at 10:30- almost all traces of the headache gone. Unfortunately, I could not fall back asleep for a couple of hours. Although, I did get up and check my email (habit in the middle of the night when I wake up, anyway, just in case C is able to email). Luckily for me, C did email me. He sounded a lot better, which made me somewhat relieved. We still do not know anything at all. But I'm getting more and more anxious as time goes by. I keep waiting for an email that says yay or nay.
Yesterday and today, I have worked on some homework, among other things. I registered for classes, and by the end of this summer, I will have only 3 classes left to take. I am taking 5 this Summer during the two Summer sessions. Unfortunately, at the moment, only one of the classes I need after this Summer is offered in the Fall. I'm irritated with my professor, as she has not graded 4 or 5 of the assignments I have turned in. Since January. She has graded 1, which I turned in almost a month ago. I have emailed her quite a few times, but she hasn't responded. Ironically she responded to my email about everything else today.
On to my Grandma- My mom tells me that her Dr. called her to come in immediately this morning. So unfortunately, no one was able to go with her. See, she had been having pains in her stomach and they thought it was her Gallbladder. They now see she has a small kidney stone, damage to her esophagus (did I spell that correctly?) which is due to acid reflux, and found 3 nodules around her heart. No one knows what the latter means, and she won't know until her appointment with the other Dr. next week. Maybe it's nothing, I don't know.
A friend of mine has told me not to worry unless I really have to, on anything in life. So that's what I'm going to do. I just need to remember that when it comes to everything with C right now. :)
Well, friends. I am headed to bed. Soon, anyway. I'm exhausted. But I hope that you are having a great week! Tomorrow, we are halfway through the week!
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