There are people I have on Facebook that I want to block, but really can't. And I can't go into that on here. I am tired of even sharing links, sharing news, uploading photos of my artwork, for various reasons. But I didn't know how to stop people from knowing my business, even the little I put out there. I struggled with deactivation, deleting it all together, or just deleting it from my mobile devices. In the end, I chose deleting from my mobile devices, because I use those the most than my laptop. I did that a bit ago, and felt the liberation that others have said they got from it. Now, I don't have to worry about certain people because I won't be posting on it. I didn't spend a lot of time on there normally, but I still think the times I did spend on it will be better used towards something more productive. I am going to go all Summer without it, and then hopefully continue in the Fall. A lot of people live and breathe Facebook, but not me. At one time, when it was first introduced to the world, I did. But now, there are more important things in life to think about.
If this doesn't work, the next step is deactivation. However, I think this will work just fine.
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