Life's a journey, not a destination.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, Monday

So my package for my phone arrived this afternoon.

Without the phone.

It was shipped in a priority mail envelope, which astounded me. So I immediately contacted the company, and let them know that the phone got lost somewhere along the way. I told them I either want a full refund or them to ship a new phone to me. This time in a box. I am waiting to hear what they decide to do.

I was really disappointed and upset that it came in an envelope. To me, it said, "We don't care if it gets lost in the mail. We're going to ship it like this anyway."

I'm Catholic, and tomorrow is Fat Tuesday (a full-day Mardi Gras celebration). Tomorrow means that I can have meat, and all the things I am giving up for Lent. Then on Wednesday, I fast all day, eat fish at night, and go to church services to get ashes put on my forehead. I shared my doubts about being knowing that I will struggle with giving up sweets/junk food for Lent. My Grandma and my Mom pointed out that every Sunday I can have junk food/sweets. I said that wasn't possible. However, my Mom said that was how my Grandpa always told them, because when we count the 40 days up, it does not include Sundays. I thought she was teasing me. But she's right. I counted the days. Sundays are not included. Because, Sunday is considered the day of rest.

And last but not least, I am working on another care package for C right now. Saint Patty's day themed. Lately, I've been painting the boxes (I have 2 more semi-painted) because I have a lot of acrylic paint that I want to use up. I always check to make sure that every care package gets there. I mailed one off last Saturday, and he got it by this past Thursday or Friday. I was so shocked! He's never gotten one so quickly. Ordinarily, they can take a couple of weeks to a couple of months to get there. After this care package, I will have 5 boxes left. I'm trying to get them out before he comes home, and that is my motivation.

Hope your week is off to a great start!


  1. I remember when I was a teenager that I found out the Sunday thing and oh man I would go nuts on Sundays. Now I try really hard to include Sundays but sometimes I still cave. ;) Good thing this Lent I decided my penance was to work out more instead of giving up anything!

  2. I am trying to include Sundays as well! I am definitely also trying to work out more, although I am slacking in that area right now. I have no energy, due to a cold. Yuck!
